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The Sergeant
John W. Gabersek Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Sergeant John W. Gabersek Jr. Memorial Scholarship
great uncle John passed away
on November 16th, 2009. Since first meeting John in 1993, I became his
devoted advocate and friend. During that time, I developed a sincere
appreciation and love for John's fondness for life and kindness towards others. He
was a true gentleman, an American Hero and my best friend. Johnnie, in my
mind, was our
Greatest Generation embodied. Although loosing John will leave a lasting
scar on my life, his good will and devotion to the citizens of the greatest country
on earth will live on.
A few years before his death, Johnnie and I discussed what to do with his remaining monies after all his debts were paid. After observing my great uncle so many times at the WWII Memorial encouraging kids to stay in school and get a good education, and asked him, "Johnnie; what would you think if I were to take what you have left over and give it to someone who lost their mom or dad in Iraq or Afghanistan? He looked at me and said, "That's not a bad idea Eric." So, with this intension in mind, I set a course towards achieving that idea.
As a former combat medic, he understood the importance of providing any measure of aid and comfort. Having spend so much time with John, I completely understood the importance of carrying on his message and legacy of selfless sacrifice. Although his savings were meager, I cannot think of any better means to honor John than to provide some degree of hope and help to those who's families have given so much in defense of our country.
After a brief delay in clearing Johns
outstanding debts, the Sergeant John W. Gabersek Jr. Memorial Scholarship is
approaching reality. The scholarship will aid a child of a U.S. Service
Member who has lost their life or capacity to provide for their family while
serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. Once established, the scholarship will be
awarded on an non-recurring annual basis to high school student preparing for
college. Funding for the scholarship will be taken from any interest
accumulated on what ever savings remained within Johns accounts and further
supplemented by public donations. The scholarship will be given to help
pay for required books needed for the chosen students' curriculum and can only
be used towards the purchase of required books. The student chosen must
maintain good standing during their enrollment.
The award amount at this time is obviously unknown at this moment but it is with
all intent to increase the amount of the gift and quantity thereof over time.
The gift will be awarded to the student who best demonstrates in a minimum 500
word essay entitled, "America, the Beacon of Freedom" emphasizing the selfless
sacrifices made by United States Servicemen and Women throughout history.
Additional details will follow during the summer of 2011.
sincerely hope you will assist me to help carry on Johnnie's legacy of kindness
and compassion. He understood what sacrifices our fighting men and
women endure today from his own experiences.
Since the scholarship paperwork is not yet established, all I ask for now is
that you send me an email expressing your interest of becoming a contributor. If you change your mind or circumstances
prevent you from helping, I will completely understand because Johnnie would
also understand. Please
kindly write to me, Eric Montgomery, at
The Sergeant
John W. Gabersek Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund. Thank you so much for
your support of John's way of being a medic forever more...
Above: A visual tribute to my great uncle John.
Friends and family were received at the Richard F. Dodson Memorial Home in
West Newton Pa.
Richard and Anna Dodson were outstanding in their service and professionalism.
virtual remembrance book for John is on-line for those who would like to
leave a message of condolence.
Please read Johnnie's amazing story by clicking on the picture above.
Copyright by Eric Montgomery 2006-2016. May God continue to Bless America
and those who defend it.